Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Bear Creek Festival

I will be privileged to be singing at the Bear Creed Festival Saturday Sept. 8. It is an awesome treat to go to my home town and sing. I was reminiscing about when I was just a young punk walking around during the BCF. I loved the car show and enjoyed the crafts and always looked forward to the possibility of getting an airbrush T-shirt with my name on it. Those were the days.... I honestly never considered the possibility that I would be singing gospel music for all my hometown friends. There will be singing in the park all day long. The days events will be concluded with a concert by the famous comedian Aaron Wilburn you can view a short clip of one of Aaron's songs at this website "If My Nose Was Running Money" I am very excited about this opportunity.

I hope to post some pictures and possibly some video of this event.


Heather said...

I'm hoping to be able to attend the BCF at least for a little bit Saturday afternoon, so maybe I'll see you there! :)

Heather said...

Hey, you've been tagged. Check out my blog for details! :)