What an amazing trip. I have told many people that it was as much an emotional experience as it was physical. There were things I felt as I walked through he city where Jesus walked that I could never put into words much less take a photo of. I saw the Jordan river, the Sea of Galilee, the Church of the Nativity, I toured through Jericho, Bethlehem saw the Dead Sea. Went to Tiberius. I sang at Capernaum inside a Roman Amphitheater. I saw the modern city of Tel Aviv, viewed the great fortress of Meggido and looked out over the valley of armegeddon. And there are so many other things I saw that I could never even dreamed of. I saw some things that suprized me. Some that depressed me, other things that were quite shocking. All of this and all of the words I will ever speak till the day I die could never share with you the experience I had as I stood outside the Garden Tomb with hundreds of other pilgriams wanting to view inside the "EMPTY" tomb. I will just say WoW!! I'm so glad I serve a risen Savior. Jesus is Alive.
(The photo is taken just before Ientered into the tomb.)