If you have not visited http://www.electoralcompass.com/ you should. You can click on the photo above and see who I most closely line up with politically.
I've been asked many times who my vote will be cast for so before I answer that let me first share with you who I will not vote for.
First, I would never vote for Sen. Hilliary C. I feel the same about a lady in the whitehouse as I do about a lady on the battlefield, they do not belong there. I love and respect ladies, but I would never vote for a lady to be president. Second, Barack "H" Obama. Without a doubt there have been many false stories floating around about Barack, but honestly, what's in a name? Our country has gone crazy if they will vote for a man with a name Hussein. I might think differently if i knew Barack personally, but I dont. I would no sooner vote for someone named "Hitler" or "Stalin." I'm not sure if the stories about him not placing his hand over his heart when he quotes the pledge is true, or even the logic behind his actions, but if his name was not enough or pety enough I could not vote for him as a democrat. (i suppose that is a more legitimate reason)
Third and a little more close to home is a guy that actually has a chance in the Republican side of things, Mit Romney. Honestly I think we have another name issue here. President Mit? Just doesnt have that power does it? It sounds like a schoolyard nickname. Seriously though, Mit is a Morman. If he is the nominee I will struggle, but I would probably vote for him. I would definatly feel uneasy if the most powerful man in the world was a member of a cult. Finally lets take a look at "Big Mac" I think he is very experienced, but my personal feeling is that he will feel the pressure to make his mark in history so badly on whatever issue is available that he will ultimatly be ineffective. Another thing is his views on illegals. If i am not mistaken he is in favor of giving amnesty to those without a criminal record and i am strongly opposed to that. I sadly admit that it looks like he will get the nomination. If he does I will definatly vote for him and pray that he is as hardnosed as he looks and will do a great job.
So who will I vote for? If i could appoint a fellow to the White House it would be Mike H. a former Southern Baptist Preacher, someone who in public called homosexuality an imoral lifestyle. A man that knows what he believes and says it even though it is not popular. My vote will be cast for Mike H.
Well this is a very opinionated blog for me. I am honestly worried about our country. I feel that we are allowing minorities and special intrest groups to shout their way to stardome without the tinest bit of resistance from anyone. I hate to point fingers but it really seems like the democrats are giving them the platform to do it from. I think the days of the "good" democrats are over. Same sex marraige, Abortion, are being crammed down the throat of Americans and it should be a crime. Hilliary wants the federal government to control healthcare. This will never work. I live in a state that tried it and it has failed miserably and cost the state millions. I shudder to think of an american citizen a lawyer who would dare go to Cuba and represent an accused terrorist and act as if he has rights. I will never forget 9-11, and whatever doors need to be kicked in to find terrorist then i think they should be kicked in. I will continue to pray for our leaders to be moral and honorable for without these characteristics we will surely fail. God has given us a great nation. We should fight to protect our people and our idenity. We live in the United States of America and we must never be ashamed or weak as we defend our way of life.
Wow that was a rant.....lets wrap this all up by quoting Romans 13:1 "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."
I will not vote for Hilliary or Barack, but if they are elected I will pray for them.
In the mean time I am praying that Mike H. will make a comeback.
God Bless America........