Every Man's Dream when his little son comes in and announces to everyone that he is a princess. Cutie pie after she got her haircut. A healthy breakfast Pringles Honey Combs and a HI-C. My little man guarding his sisters money.
What a great Resurection Sunday. We had an unforgettalbe day of worship at Underwood Baptist our choir sang the glory down, and our pastor shared an awesome sermon. This Easter weekend has meant more to me than all the others before. Since I visited the Holy Land the stories in the Gospels have been so real to me. The Garden where He prayed, the place of the Cross where He was crucified it is a lot more real than it used to be. I was looking through my pictures after church this morning and came across this one taken early one morning looking out over the Sea of Galilee. I thought about Jesus telling the disciples he would meet them in Galilee. I think more often now than ever about the promise of the Lord made "I will Come again." How awesome to think that Jesus will one day return for me.