Abbey's Christmas cookies for Santa?
Sweet Abbey putting making sure everything is perfect on our tree.
Getting the milk and cookies ready for the big guy.
First glance at the Presents Christmas morning.
I knew I would like this show. There is a lot of introduction stuff that I get very tired of. Everyone sang songs I knew but nothing was really awesome. Then Patti got up there with this Philly choir. I think awesome is an understatment. I will just say they had me when they sang "in His hands whoop"! I have watched this 20 times. I Love IT i think you will too...
Revival at LBC was awesome. We had a tremendous team Mike Cocoris and Jim Murray. It was extra special for me to host Jim and his wife Loretta. Jim is a world renown singer he has numerous Grammies and Dove awards for his recordings with the Imperials and Gaither Vocal Band. He sang with Elvis Presley, Carol Channing and many other artist. Serving with him this week was a wonderful experience he is a very gracious and easy going dude. I would highly recommend him for leading worship in revival. The people at LBC loved his music and he was quick to share with you how the Lord transformed his life.
Tuesday night I talked them into letting me sing with them. They chose an old song called the Lighthouse and I just happened to have my video camera..:)